Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Tracy's Birthday Wish- 40 Things for Others

Image within the graphic for Tracy's Birthday 2007 provided by ~ Free Clipart and Web Graphics
Totally free clipart and web graphics, no pop ups, trick links or registration required!

Tracy's Birthday Wish
"Do 40 things for others and tell her about it between now and her 40th birthday in August 2007"

Hello Family & Friends,
I am passing this on. Please feel free to send it on as well. I still get goosebumps thinking about the blessing that this has in store for everyone of us. Thank you Tracy! This may be the most beautiful birthday wish I have ever heard of.


Fwd: from Tracy
Tracy's Birthday Wish-
"Do 40 things for others and tell her about it between now and her 40th birthday in August 2007"

Tracy wrote: Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2006 21:56:54 -0800 (PST)
From: Tracy
Subject: Birthday Party Update

Hi Ya'll!

It's really Tracy....not some spam or junk email. I
wanted to update you on my 40th birthday party/wish.
I'm so excited!!! A dear friend just started a web
page and forum for my 40 Things for Others birthday

Please check it out and add your own acts of kindness
or even those you witness others doing! Feel free to
share this information. I look forwarding to reading
all about your experiences.

Thanks for all you DO make a difference!!

Keep the angels close~

Tracy's Birthday Web page

Tracy's Birthday Forum

FREE LIVE Workshop by Phone

"neon butterfly" by GypsyOwl created with GIMP

I would like to pass this along here to my dear friends/readers.
I am looking forward to this and hope to 'see' you there.

Original Message from Rebbie ~

Hello GypsyOwl,

It's me, Rebbie, writing to invite you to a LIVE 60-minute
YOFA Workshop by Phone.

It's happening on Friday, December 22, 2006 at 8:30 PM
Eastern Time.

The topic is "Honor Your Ancestors - Heal Your Heart."

It's my Holiday Gift to you, and my way of saying Thank You!

Although I may offer the recording later on for a fee, I'm
inviting you to attend this as my guest - it is purely a gift!
(And you'll get the recording at no cost.)

If you or a friend would like to attend, please register now.
By registering early, you help me orchestrate the technical
end of things.

You can find out all the details and register here:

Why attend this Workshop by Phone?
To honor your ancestors:

==> as your gift to them
==> and to your family line
==> and to your children and their children.

Here's my blog post about the event:

You may bring your friends to this Workshop by Phone.
Also, why not invite other family members? Please invite
them by forwarding this email or by clicking here:

Once again, you can register here:

"See" you there!

Love and Blessings,

Receive the F ree eCourse, 7 Secrets for
Manifesting Your Heart's Desire at

--NEW Blog - --

PS - If you're already registered, please mark your
calendar *now*, and then forward this along. Thank you!


1552 Old Country Rd Westbury 11590 United States

end original message.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

My Gratitude List

Being Grateful
Being Thankful
These are year round goals of mine.

Today I am grateful for:
Family & Friends
My puppy pet friends
The Sunrise
The sound of birds singing
Warmer weather
Delicious Coffee
The aroma of evergreens
The beautiful Poincettia on my table
The glitter of decorations made for me by dear friends hanging in the window catching the light as it comes over the trees outside.
Music in the distance from a house down the street.
The sound a schoolbus makes just before you hear children giggling and laughing before they climb on.
The warmth of a blanket
The softness of a comfy couch to snuggle up on.
A good book
The relaxing flow of a warm shower
The scent of flannel pajamas
popcorn (yes for breakfast on occasion... LOL)
I am grateful for being content and aware of the blessings in my life.
I am delighted to experience a new day, to discover some new and exciting part of life to be grateful for.

  • Melodie Beattie said:
    "Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.
  • It turns what we have into enough, and more.
  • It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity....
  • It turns problems into gifts, failures into success, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events.
  • Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow."
What are you Grateful for?

Living IN JOY,
p.s. A friend of my shared this website with me a while back. I would like to share it with you now. The Gratitude Experiement
445,125 people have watched the GoGratitude Flash movie and 149,088 people from all walks of life and from 153 countries have joined the Gratitude Experiment since its launch on Nov 21, 2005.
Gratitude is contagious.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

GypsyOwl's Workshops Update

The GypsyOwl's Nurture Workshops online center on nurturing creativity, spirituality and holistic wellness through artistic expression. The Nurture Series is a computer based art lesson created with your developement of holistic skills in mind. Nurture your mind, body, spirit and emotion through the activities included in each series.

To participate in the Nurture Workshops:
  • Download the Gimp software Free
  • Pay the applicable workshop fee $26.99 (price is good until Jan 15, 2007)
This 'Click to pay' is ONLY for the Gimp Beginner's Group workshop scheduled for February 2007 (The $26.99 price is for Pre-Registration only. Pre-Registration ends Jan 15, 2007).

This payment will be applied to the Gimp Beginner's Group for the workshop beginning February 1, 2007.

This includes an 8 week, 7 Lesson workshop (work at your own pace).
By Pre-Registering for this workshop you will automatically receive a $5 discount on all future Workshop registration fees.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

In Loving Memory


I want to honor today,
all who
have now left this life.

I want to comfort today,
all who
have been left behind.

I want to remember today,
all who
have made those connections with
other living beings,
that are not easily forgotten.

Connections that are the
woven threads of the joyful blanket of life.

In Loving Memory,
of yours, of mine of ours...

I light a candle for them,
that they may find their way into the

I light a candle for us,
that we may find the life force that
caused us to enjoy them so much while they were here.

Moving forward,
Tho' perhaps not yet moving on,
Taking small steps to the joy that they taught us to have,
Tho' they may not be right here to share it with us...
By the nature of our love,
We can be assured that they would want us to live in joy.

Brightest Blessings, Love & Light,

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Selling Digital Goods Online

target="_blank">width="468" height="60" border="0">

Get a Free Payloadz account and detailed How it Works information for everyone from experienced webdesigers to bloggers. This is a great way to sell your digital products such as manuscripts, manuals, informational documents and much more.


This is the first year I have participated in the challenge. I am delighted to say that I WON! I am sitting on my couch looking at the 50,746 words that qualified my winner's certificate. I should be celebrating with a nap or some enjoyable activity on this suddenly cold and rainy day. Yet instead, I want to write another chapter. Seems that after getting over a hurdle in the story, now I am sitting here with a lot of loose ends in the plot.

So I will save the celebration for the weekend and wrap up some of those loose ends that shouldn't have to wait for a sequel to be solved. I will also be working on a course project for class and making plans to get this wonderful manuscript published as soon as possible so that I can share it with you.

Happiest December to everyone!
Nurture Your Creativity,

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Newsletter from GypsyOwl's Studio & Gifts

GypsyOwl's Studio & Gifts
Happy Thanksgiving

November 22, 2006
Featured Product

Poinsetta Greeting Cards (Package of 6)$13.99
In This Issue:
1. Happy Thanksgiving
2. Lots of Greeting Cards
3. GypsyOwl Organization
4. Gifts for the Holidays
5. A Community Online

1. Happy Thanksgiving
Wishing you and yours a Safe & Happy Thanksgiving. What are you Grateful for? Join the Gratitude Forum at to share your gratitude list.
2. Lots of Greeting Cards
The greeting cards section of the gift shop has expanded this year.
3. GypsyOwl Organization
GypsyOwl Organization Home Page Organization information GypsyOwl Organization shopping page. It is a great resource for a large variety of gift ideas from people who are extraordinarily talented. Information your web site hosting through the GypsyOwl Commerce Organization and get lots of great support networking extras.
4. Gifts for the Holidays
Miniature Game Boxes, Pendants, Ornaments, Greeting Cards, Framed Art, Mugs, T-Shirts and much more. You can shop for friends and family near and far. Are you wanting to save time and shipping for those gifts that are for friends and family far away? Purchases can be sent as gifts (shipped to the recipient for you) and you can add a personal message that will be included with your gift. Visit the online gift shop to see the new and returning designs available.
5. A Community Online
One of the Brand New GypsyOwl hosted communities is dedicated to discussions about books. What are you reading? Another Brand New community, The Gratitude Forum, is sure to be a great place to share your gratitude list. Join in today! More forums are being created. What topics would you like to talk about in an open online forum? *Private forums are available as well.
Enjoy Brightest Blessings, GypsyOwl * Private groups information's Studio & Gifts's Studio (blog & GO Directory) Organization Home Page Organization Shopping Page Forum Organization Information Your Creativity! Personalized Art Instruction (on your PC) coming soon. Watch information.

Monday, November 13, 2006

November 2006

Yes. The whole month of November is dedicated to the National Novel Writing Month challenge. I have attached this to keep track of my progress. ( NaNoWriMo)

Would you like to join?

"Announcing the end of the one-day novelist." I used to say that. Now I will be saying One Month I'll write a Novel. And thanks to the NaNoWriMo challenge, I can have a Novel a year

What is NaNoWriMo?

National Novel Writing Month is a fun, seat-of-your-pants approach to novel writing. Participants begin writing November 1. The goal is to write a 175-page (50,000-word) novel by midnight, November 30. Visit the NaNoWriMo site for more information.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

What are You Reading?

Join the GypsyOwl Organization Study Group Community!

A New Community focused on sharing about what you are reading.
Books like "Rooted in the Infinite" by Dr Rebbie Straubing
The Four Agreements by Don Miquel Ruiz
and many more are added by member's requests.
Join a community that is focused on discussing what you are reading, how you are growing, what you are learning and how you apply the work into everyday life. Join today FREE Lets journey together in a sharing community.
GypsyOwl Organization is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing resources for Networking Individuals and Professionals through forums, web hosting and advertising.
Contact our support department and let us serve you.

Monday, October 02, 2006

To SEE with The Heart

I like to ponder a quote from a story called

The Little Prince
by Antoine de Saint Exupéry

“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”

The trick then, I believe, is to put into words what the heart has seen.
Sometimes a simple Thank You is all that we can say.
Then we realize as time goes by that our lives have been changed.
And we can often trace the reason for the change back to a kind word,
a soft spoken voice on a hectic day, the smile that is sent our way during
a cloudy storm....
How can we 'say' thank you for such a gift of Love & Light
that we miss the first time around and only hours, days or weeks later
realize we have received it?

A great friend once told me that it would be better to pass on a blessing
in remembrance of the one who gave it to me, rather than hang on for dear life to it.
That seemed wrong at first. Why would I give away something that I have longed for so long?

Then as time goes by you realize that giving it away is how you make room for more to come your way.

There are many stories about giving....
And the blessings that result from it.
There are many stories about giving....
Just for the pure joy that giving brings.

The kind of gifts I am speaking of are a kind word, a soft voice, a hug during a storm. A brief glace, a smile, a wink... giving a sign that you see me, that you hear me, that I am important....

What ever your reason for giving,
Perhaps complete Accepting is in order as well.
Because passing it on is very wise...
But, wouldn't you just hold it to your heart for a moment
before you pass it on? Receive the Blessings! They are given freely to you. You are worthy. You are Light. You are Love. Before you pass it on..... Receive....just for a moment,
That way, You have an idea how the next person who receives it
may feel.

And you have energized your soul to give even more....

Another quote from the story book
The Little Prince

"And he was overcome with sadness. His flower had told him that she was the only one of her kind in all the universe. And here were five thousand of them, all alike, in one single garden!"

Tho' at times we feel absolutely alone
Then other times we get lost in a crowd....
What we can not see with the eye is what is most important.
With each ray of light that shines from your heart...
Another chilly soul is warmed and blessed.
Have you a moment to give a warm smile?

Tho' at times we feel absolutely alone.
Then other times we get lost in a crowd...
There truly is only ONE YOU
And this world is a sweeter place because of YOU.

"An ordinary passerby would think that my rose looked just like you--the rose that belongs to me."

The LIGHT that comes from YOUR heart
Is like the reflection from a beveled mirror.
Each person's bevels are unique and are molded over
Each ray of light that enters... leaves changed....and then
another enters in it's place... and returns to the world blessed once
again... You are changed, The Beam is Changed Everyone who is touched or touches it.... grows a bit more, heals a bit more, reaches a bit higher and sings a bit louder in gratitude.

Because Your Bevels are unique and are necessary to the Path
of the one who would walk in your Light... all would walk in the light of their brother and sister today, tomarrow, the next night.... we share light with each other for a purpose, for a reason, for a season or for a lifetime.
(I heard a poem about friendship that sounded a bit like that once)
Each time you return light into the world,
You have changed another beam of love.
Your bevels have changed as well.

The combination is not possible without you.

If we each stood in front of a canvas , each with a different color of paint on our brushes...
We would need ALL the colors to finish the work.

Each of our brush strokes , no matter how seemingly small and
unnecessary, is important. VERY IMPORTANT...

What would a painting of candles be like without those glowing
tops painted upon them? (each brush stroke is important)

Especially the ones that we do not see with the eyes.
Our Hearts see what is important.
Just like the story book
The Little Prince
by Antoine de Saint Exupéry

"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."

The question is
What do we SEE with the Heart?
How do we put into words what we have seen?
How can we pass on the everchanging, evolving Love and Light that we embrace, change and pass on again.....
We each are part of the creation of an everlasting Light being shared time after time without end.

Brightest Blessings,

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

A year of letting go....

This year,
So much letting go in a few short months. The next step is to create a book. Not just to 'create' it, but, to let go of it. If you are a writer you will understand what I mean. It is a part of myself that is longing to be released. That longing has been building up for so long that it is blocking me in some ways from moving on.

So this is it.
This year. I ran across a website earlier this year and was reminded recently about it. This year I will participate in the challenge to write, on a timetable, and will unblock what it is that has been welling up within me for so long.

Another inspiration is a dear friend who is releasing her newest work very soon. This and the challenge together with so many other little 'clues' are driving the energy behind what is soon to be my own work completed.

How about you? What creative nurturing have you been longing to embark on? What is welling up to be released in the form of art, literature, discovery..... Your inner desire to clear away what is blocking you? Nurture Your Creativity. Let's embark on this journey together.

In Joy,

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

An Opportunity to Make Choices....

Good Morning,

Each day is an opportunity to make choices.
From the choice between coffee or tea, the path to work or school to the more complicated and more significant choices that life in general presents to us.

What kind of music will I listen to today?
What book will I read?
What program will I watch?
What will I eat or drink?
What will I wear?
Who will I talk with?

What are my principles?
What are my preferences?

(sorting the two, help me at the most important crossroads each day)

Where will I venture, travel or explore?
How will I nurture my creativity today?
How will I nurture others today?
What will I learn?
What will I spend time meditating upon?

What will I 'think' about?

How will I feel?

Perhaps not a profound concept in itself, but, do we make choices for ourselves,
Or do we allow ourselves to drift along following others?
Do we follow our dreams?
Or do we even take the time to find out what our dreams are?

An early morning musing about choices.
I believe that I will take each question a bit more seriously this morning after I have some coffee and listen to a little Dan Fogelberg or other 'easy listening" oldies. As I go through my day, I will be staying in each moment and useing my energy to participate in the small and the not so small choices that present themselves along the way.

IN JOY Brightest Blessings,

Some of my choices for today..........
Music Today:
Cat Stevens "Oh Very Young"
Dan Fogelberg "Same Old Lang Syne"
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young "Teach Your Children"
Anita Baker "Giving You The Best That I Got"

Art Today: A logo I made for the GO_Kids forum over the weekend.
This still needs some work.

School Today:
Math. Business Math class begins today.
Finish up Geography course assignment index. ( Grade A ! )

Work Today:
Various tasks on my list to work on throughout the day. Primary task is to finish the September update on the shopping page/menu for the website.

I am preparing for my very first NaNoWriMo participation.

A few other things: A nap, A call to a friend, and some cooking.

The 'thought' for today, for those moments when things feel differently than I have decided to feel today.....

"Butterfly shaped Stars"
I will imagine that every star in the sky is a butterfly.

What would you 'think' of?

Saturday, September 02, 2006

New Beginnings

  • It seems that every day is a New Beginning.
    There are so many small and not so small new beginnings all around. With the new season beginning I have an update about the GypsyOwl world of networking, creativity and business.

    What began as a few designs and a small art gift shop has grown over time.
    I am pleased that my dreams are manifesting step by step each day. The newest department of the GypsyOwl world is Website Hosting services. Let me back up a bit and list the departments in approximatley the order that they came into existence.

  • (new website soon)

  • GypsyOwl's Studio (you are here)

  • GypsyOwl's Studio and Gifts
    Art Workshops (online workshops where I share the techniques I use to create my artwork)
    GIMP - Free Get the new FREE software so you are ready for the next workshop!

  • GypsyOwl's Tree House forum (Private forum)

  • GypsyOwl's Tree House JR (a forum for kids)

  • GypsyOwl Organization Shopping (a network of members, advertiser's and affiliate's business links)
  • GypsyOwl Organization Networking Services (Forums for personal & business) (a NEW Hosting Service)

I am still a full time student, creating artwork in my relaxation time and having a lot of fun working with people who are promoting their business' and nurturing thier creativity.

The next Art workshop will be announced soon. Get the Gimp Software ahead of time so you will be ready to jump right in for the workshop.

GIMP - Free Free Software

GIMP is an acronym for GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed program for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. The terms of usage and rules about copying are clearly listed in the GNU General Public License.

New Beginnings, Starting a new Season of the year, Or of my life.... I am grateful that in the midst of all the changes, endings and 'letting go' events of the past year...I am able to see New Beginnings with Joy and Anticipation.

IN JOY Brighest Blessings, GypsyOwl

Friday, July 14, 2006

I'm OK

I do not have much to say.
Just wanted my friends to know
that I am still here.

It has been busy.
I have been busy.
But, OK.

In case you might be wondering.

Between School,
Building a new website,
creating artwork for the shop
and another project I'm working on now.
And add the daily living activities
and some good old fashion fun..
Time Flys.
Take care of you,

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Happy Father's Day DAD!!

Dedicated to My Dad.

You paved a road for me to follow
that never had many signs of caution.
You moved away obstacles that fell
in the storms of life's dismay.
You always listened to my story
of dreams and visions that I have.
I never ever felt neglected
You always loved to be my Dad.

As years went by and we grew closer
You'd listen to my life unfold.
Your replies were always blessings
and now you walk on roads, paved with gold.
I'll miss the visits and the widom
that you shared with me along the way.
I'll cherish every lesson offered
And think of you each and every day.

For as my life has been torn and shattered
by others who have missed the mark
You always brought more joy and freedom
And shined love's light into the dark.
May you see from where your journey leads you
That no matter where the master plan
leads me to a new tomorrow
Your in my heart, my mind, prayers and
your name is written in the sand
On the beaches that we walked together
while you lived upon this earth
I will always know that you loved me
And will cherish every memory
Every birth of new freedom that I discover

Because you paved this road I follow...
And moved away the pain of time
and you gave me tools to live without you
along the path of mountains climbed.

Rest in Peace dear father.
No words will ever clearly show,
The way your love in my life is cherished
And how you nurtured me to grow
along this path of life I follow
The blessings never ending
Your death from this world is a promise
Of a new part of your journey beginning.

I Love You,
Your Daughter, me

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

A Preface to "letting go" and moving on.....

I have not been here for awhile. And it has been an eventful time and a time of "Letting Go" for me. I just thought of this blog that has been neglected and realized that I have avoided posting here so that I wouldn't have to actually deal with any of it on a personal level.

So finally here I am and for a start I will just say that When 'things' happen in my life, sometimes it isn't about me. That seems a bit 'letting go' of ego I suppose. So it is not easy to sort it all out all at once and with hindsight it isn't going to feel like it was really happening around me anyway.

That all said.
On Valentine's Day , my house burned down. There were many blessings that day that I will post at a later time. I have posted about them in another place and will find those posts to put here in a week or so....
A few weeks later, just as things seemed to be working toward being a bit more 'secure', my dearest friend's son was in a horrible accident where a go cart he was on exploded and he was burned very badly. He is recovering well Thank Goodness.
Then .... 11 days ago, my dad died.

This may be the most challenging event I have ever experienced.

So now I will retreat once again for a little while and then return with some progress and some of the elements of the process of "Letting Go" as it is important for me to remember that it is not 'suppose' to be always easy. But, it is 'always' possible to get through anything in life without the need to hinder the healing.

I am healing, I am letting go, I am holding on and then letting go again and again. Moment by moment, one day at a time, all this will one day be a distant memory and I will recall that in the midst of turmoil and emotional imbalance, I was able to pull through with the help of Loving and Caring people who will always be close to my heart.

Counting my Blessings, GypsyOwl

Thursday, February 09, 2006

On the fly..... by GypsyOwl 2/08/06

In all the hours of awakened task I wonder sometimes who to ask If hours are measured in the night Or just when they are filled with light...? As sunrise peeks her head or' hills And winter longs for daffodils My heart flys off into the breeze My soul is down on bended knees.

It is easy to spend these winter days, wondering about the long gone spring Instead of finding solace grace And smiles upon a humble face. IN JOy every Blessing Bright And see the unseen tho' it night Because aft' all is said and done The Seasons cycle One by One...

Find the Sunlight in an open field or sit beside your window sill If darkness brings your soul to rest Perhaps it's just this time that's best to be Gently in your quiet soul Knowing that sometimes a goal Is moving faster than it seems Like flying.... flying... in our dreams. As I start my day and wonder why Those dreams have not been seen awake It reminds of a quote I've heard "If you don't know where your going, It matters not which road you take"

So I open my soul to the Highest Power And stop to pray before each hour To realign Intention's Guide To remember that which gives us Wings to fly.... ~By GypsyOwl~ 2/08/06

Friday, January 13, 2006

Infinite Possibilities

This is what they are saying about Mike Dooley's Infinite Possibilities.

"I have "known" for some time that we create our own reality, but you have succinctly put into words HOW to create it... I have explored many paths – Course in Miracles, Caroline Myss, Conversations with God, Kabbalah, Eckhardt Tolle, Buddhism, and others, and Infinite Possibilities is the BEST. And, I think, the most accessible to a really broad range of people. You pack a lot of information into your tapes. It is well worth the money. Thanks. You are a real blessing to the world."

See for yourself....Scroll down to the banner and check it out. ~ GypsyOwl

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Big After Holiday Blowout Sale

Big After Holiday Blowout sale extended to January 9th.

Coupon Code BIG5 = $5 OFF Sweatshirts, Tracksuits, and Hoodies (includes Kid Sweatshirts, Raglan Hoodies, and Jr Hoodies).

Coupon Code BIG4 = $4 OFF Greeting Cards & Wall Calenders.

Coupon Code BIG2 = $2 OFF Ornaments and Pendants.

New Products added often - New Designs by GypsyOwl and

Please Welcome our Newest Featured Artist

~ S i l v e r J e s s e ~