Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Tracy's Birthday Wish- 40 Things for Others

Image within the graphic for Tracy's Birthday 2007 provided by ~ Free Clipart and Web Graphics
Totally free clipart and web graphics, no pop ups, trick links or registration required!

Tracy's Birthday Wish
"Do 40 things for others and tell her about it between now and her 40th birthday in August 2007"

Hello Family & Friends,
I am passing this on. Please feel free to send it on as well. I still get goosebumps thinking about the blessing that this has in store for everyone of us. Thank you Tracy! This may be the most beautiful birthday wish I have ever heard of.


Fwd: from Tracy
Tracy's Birthday Wish-
"Do 40 things for others and tell her about it between now and her 40th birthday in August 2007"

Tracy wrote: Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2006 21:56:54 -0800 (PST)
From: Tracy
Subject: Birthday Party Update

Hi Ya'll!

It's really Tracy....not some spam or junk email. I
wanted to update you on my 40th birthday party/wish.
I'm so excited!!! A dear friend just started a web
page and forum for my 40 Things for Others birthday

Please check it out and add your own acts of kindness
or even those you witness others doing! Feel free to
share this information. I look forwarding to reading
all about your experiences.

Thanks for all you DO make a difference!!

Keep the angels close~

Tracy's Birthday Web page

Tracy's Birthday Forum

FREE LIVE Workshop by Phone

"neon butterfly" by GypsyOwl created with GIMP

I would like to pass this along here to my dear friends/readers.
I am looking forward to this and hope to 'see' you there.

Original Message from Rebbie ~

Hello GypsyOwl,

It's me, Rebbie, writing to invite you to a LIVE 60-minute
YOFA Workshop by Phone.

It's happening on Friday, December 22, 2006 at 8:30 PM
Eastern Time.

The topic is "Honor Your Ancestors - Heal Your Heart."

It's my Holiday Gift to you, and my way of saying Thank You!

Although I may offer the recording later on for a fee, I'm
inviting you to attend this as my guest - it is purely a gift!
(And you'll get the recording at no cost.)

If you or a friend would like to attend, please register now.
By registering early, you help me orchestrate the technical
end of things.

You can find out all the details and register here:

Why attend this Workshop by Phone?
To honor your ancestors:

==> as your gift to them
==> and to your family line
==> and to your children and their children.

Here's my blog post about the event:

You may bring your friends to this Workshop by Phone.
Also, why not invite other family members? Please invite
them by forwarding this email or by clicking here:

Once again, you can register here:

"See" you there!

Love and Blessings,

Receive the F ree eCourse, 7 Secrets for
Manifesting Your Heart's Desire at

--NEW Blog - --

PS - If you're already registered, please mark your
calendar *now*, and then forward this along. Thank you!


1552 Old Country Rd Westbury 11590 United States

end original message.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

My Gratitude List

Being Grateful
Being Thankful
These are year round goals of mine.

Today I am grateful for:
Family & Friends
My puppy pet friends
The Sunrise
The sound of birds singing
Warmer weather
Delicious Coffee
The aroma of evergreens
The beautiful Poincettia on my table
The glitter of decorations made for me by dear friends hanging in the window catching the light as it comes over the trees outside.
Music in the distance from a house down the street.
The sound a schoolbus makes just before you hear children giggling and laughing before they climb on.
The warmth of a blanket
The softness of a comfy couch to snuggle up on.
A good book
The relaxing flow of a warm shower
The scent of flannel pajamas
popcorn (yes for breakfast on occasion... LOL)
I am grateful for being content and aware of the blessings in my life.
I am delighted to experience a new day, to discover some new and exciting part of life to be grateful for.

  • Melodie Beattie said:
    "Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.
  • It turns what we have into enough, and more.
  • It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity....
  • It turns problems into gifts, failures into success, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events.
  • Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow."
What are you Grateful for?

Living IN JOY,
p.s. A friend of my shared this website with me a while back. I would like to share it with you now. The Gratitude Experiement
445,125 people have watched the GoGratitude Flash movie and 149,088 people from all walks of life and from 153 countries have joined the Gratitude Experiment since its launch on Nov 21, 2005.
Gratitude is contagious.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

GypsyOwl's Workshops Update

The GypsyOwl's Nurture Workshops online center on nurturing creativity, spirituality and holistic wellness through artistic expression. The Nurture Series is a computer based art lesson created with your developement of holistic skills in mind. Nurture your mind, body, spirit and emotion through the activities included in each series.

To participate in the Nurture Workshops:
  • Download the Gimp software Free
  • Pay the applicable workshop fee $26.99 (price is good until Jan 15, 2007)
This 'Click to pay' is ONLY for the Gimp Beginner's Group workshop scheduled for February 2007 (The $26.99 price is for Pre-Registration only. Pre-Registration ends Jan 15, 2007).

This payment will be applied to the Gimp Beginner's Group for the workshop beginning February 1, 2007.

This includes an 8 week, 7 Lesson workshop (work at your own pace).
By Pre-Registering for this workshop you will automatically receive a $5 discount on all future Workshop registration fees.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

In Loving Memory


I want to honor today,
all who
have now left this life.

I want to comfort today,
all who
have been left behind.

I want to remember today,
all who
have made those connections with
other living beings,
that are not easily forgotten.

Connections that are the
woven threads of the joyful blanket of life.

In Loving Memory,
of yours, of mine of ours...

I light a candle for them,
that they may find their way into the

I light a candle for us,
that we may find the life force that
caused us to enjoy them so much while they were here.

Moving forward,
Tho' perhaps not yet moving on,
Taking small steps to the joy that they taught us to have,
Tho' they may not be right here to share it with us...
By the nature of our love,
We can be assured that they would want us to live in joy.

Brightest Blessings, Love & Light,