Sunday, May 25, 2008

Not Just Another Blog - How to Make Money on Squidoo

In February last year, a good friend of mine sent me information about Squidoo. I signed up and looked at what I thought was just another blog. Then 15 months later, I took another look at it. I discovered that it is not just another blog at all. It is an amazing free community of Lensmasters who create quality content on a lot of interesting subjects. The most energizing aspect of the Squidoo Culture is the founder's pledge to contribute to charity. You can find out more about this amazing quest by going to the site and investigate for yourself.

You Can Contribute To A Better World!

Find a lens that is talking about what you are passionate about. Find a lens that is contributing to your favorite charity. Or, simply find a lens that you really like and support them. Countless Lensmasters are continuously contributing to the Squidoo Charities and your support will help them to do that.

One way you can contribute to a better world is to support those who are dedicated to doing that. Give them a cheer and let them know that what they are doing is important to you.

Another way is to speak out for yourself. Share your story, your knowledge, and promote the things that are important to you.

Create your own lens. You are the expert, and you know what you are passionate about. Build into the lens what you want to say, how your passion can make a difference in the world, and then tell people about it. squidoo is an amazing FREE resource that can help you to help charity.

Find a lens that is talking about what you are passionate about. Find a lens that is contributing to your favorite charity. Or, simply find a lens that you really like and support them. Countless Lensmasters are continuously contributing to the Squidoo Charities and your support will help them to do that.

Create your own lens. You are the expert, and you know what you are passionate about. Build into the lens what you want to say, how your passion can make a difference in the world, and then tell people about it. squidoo is an amazing FREE resource that can help you to help charity

Check out my lens

The follow is an example of just a few lenses I have created on Squidoo.
Visit my Home Page to see all of the topics in several topic categories including Spiritual Journey, The Arts and Creativity, Motivational People, Fitness, Business, and more.

featured lens

Three Women Who Changed My Life - How To Heal Your Life

Three Women - SARK - Donna Eden - Catherine Ponder - A Healing Journey of Mind, Body, & Spirit. Three women who have changed my life by teaching me how to think in new ways, take actions that make me feel more confident, to heal the past, and instill...

featured lens

Motivational People Lensography

In this lensography you will find my favorite motivational people and links to the lenses about them. Watch for new lenses about Mike Dooley, SARK, Shawn Snyder, Catherine Ponder, Rebbie Straubing, Anastacia Drake, Julie Fleming-Brown, Mary Robinson...

featured lens

The 'Be In Your Flow' - Exemplar - Featured Guest Archive

What is an Exemplar of Be In Your Flow Synergy? Who is an Exemplar of Be In Your Flow Synergy? All of this and the archives of those who have been recognized.

It is my honor to have the opportunity to meet so many beautiful people who resonate the B...

Fitness Tips Lensography

* The Fitness Tips Lensography is a collection of topics about fitness. The lensography includes links to each of the lenses in the collection and an overview of the content.

This lens collection is primarily written for people over 50, however anyone can benefit from these approaches and are encouraged to adapt them to current fitness ability and challenges. Always consult your personal physician or health care professional before you begin a new fitness plan.

Fitness Tips Lens List

These are published topics in the Fitness Tips Lensography. As I create more, they will be added here.

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