Thursday, September 20, 2007

Healing Broken Hearts Group

New Group! Join today!
When my father died, it was very helpful for me to discuss my grief with others. Over the past year, I have become interested in providing a place where people can come together and offer support to each other.
Loss of a loved one who has died, or has left our lives in a number of other ways, can be devastating. When the feelings of loss are shared, we find that we are better able to cope and to learn to move on. If this sounds like you, please join the new group as we begin the journey to healing together.

Subscribe to the Healing Broken Hearts Group

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At this time, the group is email based. As we develope our core memberships, we can discuss this feature and talk about what would be best for most of the members.

Healing Broken Hearts - Together, GypsyOwl

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