Saturday, November 22, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I Met Carrie at Blueprint...

See more on My Squidoo SQUID WHO* Lens " Who Is Carrie Wilkerson "
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Watch For GypsyOwl's Graphic Design Website

Watch for the new
GypsyOwl's Graphic Design Gallery
GypsyOwl will offer the following services:
- Graphic Design: GypsyOwl is an artist with exceptional graphic art skills with over 4 years digital design experience.
- Content Creation: GypsyOwl has exceptional content creation skills. Well written content with optimal interest for your readers is key for your successful communication with your audience.
- Content Editing: GypsyOwl can also optimize your current content. Optimizing current content can be a great inexpensive way to update, edit, and revive older content.
- Business Resources: For over 4 years, GypsyOwl has been researching, to find the best business services and resources available. A recommendation will always be hand selected and will be the best of the best available.
Friday, July 11, 2008
GypsyOwl's CafePress Showcase on Squidoo
The most popular designs and gift items have been gathered together to create a showcase. The Showcase allows you to save time by finding the most popular gifts, designs and creations at GypsyOwl's Studio & Gifts. The large photos and descriptions will allow you to quickly find your favorites and then move on to the gift shop to give things another look and finalize your order.
Do you have a lens that has won the 'Be In Your Flow - Exemplar' Award?
Then Join The "Be In Your Flow - Exemplar" Group and get your winning lens featured again.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Favorite Quotes from The Little Prince
Favorite Quotes from The Little Prince
See the favorite quotes from The Little Prince. Add your own favorites and submit your vote to the plexo.
"The Little Prince - To See With The Heart"
by GypsyOwl
Over two dozen Featured Articles on Squidoo have been created by GypsyOwl and the list is growing. Visit GypsyOwl's HomePage on Squidoo!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
5000 more books from Simon & Schuster
**************** NEWS *****************
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LOS ANGELES (AP) - said Friday that publisher Simon & Schuster Inc. will make 5,000 more books available for the Amazon Kindle wireless reader, bumping to 125,000 the number of titles users can download and read.
Later in the day, Inc. (AMZN) Chief Executive Jeff Bezos appeared at the BookExpo America convention in Los Angeles and touted the benefits of electronic book offerings.
He said Amazon had temporarily sold out of hard copies of "What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception," the new tell-all book by former White House press secretary Scott McClellan.
It's still available, however, for electronic downloading, Bezos said.
"That's one of the great things about electronic books," he said. "They don't go out of stock."
Bezos has said Kindle e-books now account for 6 percent of sales among the 125,000 titles available on the site in both electronic and print formats. The company did not elaborate on that figure.
The online retailer cut the Kindle's price by $40 to $359 on Tuesday but still won't say how many have sold. The company also refuses to divulge the total number of e-books it has sold.
Kindle launched last November and sold out in hours. Amazon sorted out its supply chain and manufacturing problems, and the device was back on sale in April.
Despite the price cut, the Kindle still costs more than Sony Corp. (SNE)'s competing Reader, which retails for $299.
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Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Virtual Quilt Block Project
Join the Virtual Quilt Block Project! Created by GypsyOwl and hosted on Squidoo.
Individuals and Groups are invited to join the Project that will raise funds for Covenant House. To learn more about the project and about the work that Covenant House is doing, go to the Virtual Quilt Project Lens & Quilt Block Entry Headquarters .
~UPDATE - Link to the Virtual Quilt Block Project for Homeless Youth has been corrected~
The primary goal of this project is to raise awareness of the need for winter bedding and shelter for homeless youth, and to raise funds for Covenant House charity through Squidoo's charity programs.
You can make a difference in the life of a homeless youth. Join today, pass this on to friends and groups who you know will want to hear about it, and together we can help the organization who has dedicated their work to those who are in greatest need.
Change a life! Join this project today.
IN~JOY, GypsyOwl
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Virtual Quilt Project - Create Virtual Quilt Blocks for Charity Fundraiser

Not Just Another Blog - How to Make Money on Squidoo
You Can Contribute To A Better World!
One way you can contribute to a better world is to support those who are dedicated to doing that. Give them a cheer and let them know that what they are doing is important to you.
Another way is to speak out for yourself. Share your story, your knowledge, and promote the things that are important to you.
Find a lens that is talking about what you are passionate about. Find a lens that is contributing to your favorite charity. Or, simply find a lens that you really like and support them. Countless Lensmasters are continuously contributing to the Squidoo Charities and your support will help them to do that.
Create your own lens. You are the expert, and you know what you are passionate about. Build into the lens what you want to say, how your passion can make a difference in the world, and then tell people about it. squidoo is an amazing FREE resource that can help you to help charity
The follow is an example of just a few lenses I have created on Squidoo.
Visit my Home Page to see all of the topics in several topic categories including Spiritual Journey, The Arts and Creativity, Motivational People, Fitness, Business, and more.
Three Women Who Changed My Life - How To Heal Your Life
Three Women - SARK - Donna Eden - Catherine Ponder - A Healing Journey of Mind, Body, & Spirit. Three women who have changed my life by teaching me how to think in new ways, take actions that make me feel more confident, to heal the past, and instill...
Motivational People Lensography
In this lensography you will find my favorite motivational people and links to the lenses about them. Watch for new lenses about Mike Dooley, SARK, Shawn Snyder, Catherine Ponder, Rebbie Straubing, Anastacia Drake, Julie Fleming-Brown, Mary Robinson...
The 'Be In Your Flow' - Exemplar - Featured Guest Archive
What is an Exemplar of Be In Your Flow Synergy? Who is an Exemplar of Be In Your Flow Synergy? All of this and the archives of those who have been recognized.
It is my honor to have the opportunity to meet so many beautiful people who resonate the B...
Fitness Tips Lensography
* The Fitness Tips Lensography is a collection of topics about fitness. The lensography includes links to each of the lenses in the collection and an overview of the content.
This lens collection is primarily written for people over 50, however anyone can benefit from these approaches and are encouraged to adapt them to current fitness ability and challenges. Always consult your personal physician or health care professional before you begin a new fitness plan.
Fitness Tips Lens List
These are published topics in the Fitness Tips Lensography. As I create more, they will be added here.
New Idea for The Balance Ball - Office Health - How to Stay Fit While You WorkIf you spend time in front of a computer, this idea just may be what you have been looking for. I will share some of the research I have found and share my experience to help you choose the right balance ball for you.
- Start Building a lens today or find a lens to support.
- You will discover as I did , Squidoo is not just another blog!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Lensmaster Lensography - GypsyOwl's Homepage on Squidoo is NOW OPEN!
My Lenses
Go With The Flow vs. Be In Your Flow
I was listening to Paula White this morning. She was talking about the book "Caught Between A Dream and A Job"by Delatorro McNeal II I was inspired to write about how to find your passion, to live your dreams, and to discover how to live in your flo...
Create a Butterfly Garden - Discover How The Human Experience Relates to the Butterfly Lifecycle - Enhance Understanding of Spiritual Growth
How our spiritual growth is similar to the stages of a butterflies lifecycle and how understanding this can enhance our journey. Create a butterfly garden to enhance your outdoor experience, to balance the ecosystem around your home, and for the pur...
Tin Man - Modern Day Wizard of Oz - Spiritual Growth Metaphor
Tin Man (a remake of the classic Wizard of Oz) is the source of this spiritual growth metaphor. We are born with gifts, hide them (or have them hidden for us) as children, and spend much of our adult years seeking, uncovering, and rediscovering them....
GypsyOwl Artwork Created With GIMP & GO GIMP Workshop Group Information
Creating Art has been a GIMP & GO experience every day. I share my work and how it is used for great product design. Workshop information - How To Use GIMP for more than just artwork. Resources for artists and more. My artwork is a combination of ph...
Daily Motivation - Nurture Yourself - Make The World a Better Place - New Updates Every Day
You can make the world a better place. Motivate your day with a decision to have a great one! Daily Thought -Inspirational Media And People who are transforming our world. Share your favorite world changer - or share how you are changing the world....
Spiritual Journey Lensography
This Lensography will feature each of the lenses I have created that share insights about my spiritual quest. Everyday references that hold secrets to expressing a journey that often is experienced without words. I will attempt to share the unseen by...
GypsyOwl's Home Page - Lensmaster Lensography
GypsyOwl's Home Page is a Master List of GypsyOwl's Lensography Collection. GypsyOwl's Lenses fall into a variety of topics so, this is the place to find the Lensography you are looking for. About GypsyOwl: Artist - Writer - Student - Volunteer - Me...
GypsyOwl Organization Small Business Network - Mission & Vision
I am the founder of the GypsyOwl Commerce Small Business Network. This lens will present an overview of the SBN, mission, community values, membership information, benefits and responsibilities of membership. Reader Favorites-Vote for YOUR favorite r...
Easy Designs to Make With Your Scanner - One of A Kind - Keep, Gift, or Sell - Customize A Hobby Tote Bag & More
This easy design idea will show you how to make a customized tote bag for hobbies, books, shopping, and more. A unique way to organize all of your passions, make gifts, diaper totes, lunch for the office, and a list of ideas that will spark your imag...
The Arts & Creativity Lensography
This lensography contains all of the lenses that I have created in art, photography, and creativity topics.
One way you can contribute to a better world is to support those who are dedicated to doing that. Give them a cheer and let them know that what they are doing is important to you.
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Wednesday, May 07, 2008
GypsyOwl is publishing at Squidoo

I am writing for Squidoo and have a few articles submitted. The term for article is 'lens' and I am learning a lot about online publishing! Please read on for links to my new work.
How this came about: (the short version)
I attended a seminar last weekend about butterfly gardens. The experience of learning how to create a butterfly garden was such a spiritual journey, I simply did not come away with a real butterfly garden plan idea. My focus was on the life cycles of butterflies and how that relates to my spiritual journey. However, I was inspired to write and I submitted to Squidoo. Now I have a handful of lenses published! When you visit, please leave a note for me in the quest books that are on each page, and, if you have a moment to give me your STAR rating that would be wonderful.
Since I didn't remember the actual 'how to create' the garden, I linked to some very good articles about it by other writers who I admire. My spiritual interpretations were leading me and inspiring me.
I finished the last edit todayBoth of the articles are already receiving very good responses and lots of traffic. I am a bit overwhelmed but, very delighted!
Please pass this on to anyone who you feel would welcome the invitation to visit my 'lens' pages.
Catching up about me:
I am going to be writing for Squidoo twice a week (on average). I am continuing my education which is my full time occupation until I am finished (BBA Degree -Graduation planned for January 2010), have a part time position -on/call ( office management - internship), and am enjoying creating artwork for my online gift shops. I also volunteer for the SBN a few hours a week. I believe that everything I am doing has prepared me for this monumental new opportunity. I cannot express how 'fun' it is to write, and then to have people 'like' it is the icing on the cake. I finally had the courage to move forward.
How are you? I'd love to hear from you!
Saturday, May 03, 2008
GypsyOwl Is Zazzling
New artwork designs, new gift ideas, and you are going to love the posters, handbags, and the newest idea 'the tie belt.' I know it isn't a 'new' idea. I remember wearing ties as headbands and belts with I was in High School. But, what is new is the ability to make a personalized tie belt design that will be 'Just You.'
Visit the gallery today and check it out!
How about making a handbag & a tie belt to wear together?
There are a lot of ideas at my Easy Designs... lens.
Check them out or go directly to the Zazzle Gallery and buy my designs, customize them just for you, or start from scratch and make your own for yourself or as a gift.
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Happy May Day
When I think of May Day, I think of baskets, of flowers, and of the little jingle
"April showers, bring, May flowers."
I think of the May Pole (children dancing with long streamers of silk string or ribbon), and after the dancing is done.. ohhhh look at the pretty designs that have appeared on the pole. Loving flowers, and abstract art, this day really brings to me a lot of creativity energy.
This is one of the things I recall from childhood (school days), we must have celebrated this . I remember making paper flowers and making cones from construction paper to make paper vases.
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I have thought about the baskets of flowers on doorsteps. I wonder where I heard about this (it seems that I have tought about it all of my life , so perhaps it was in early childhood at school). I think we had a May Pole at school.
Please tell me about your May Day traditions, activities, and any other thing you would like to share about May, May Day , or About Solstice and or Equinox , about baskets of flowers on doorsteps, and/or any May Day or other similar holiday tradition topics are very welcome.
I would now like to dance around a May Pole wearing a long silk gown and singing.
May you have a delightful May Day, and may spring bring you joy, celebration, and new beginnings.
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