Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

As the Thanksgiving Holiday approaches I am thinking about all the gratitude I have for my family, friends, business and the educational blessings in my life. When just about 14 months ago, I felt like my world was spiraling out of control, it was actually on a journey to balance and alignment that I have come to believe was long over due.
So why did it take so long for this life to get in balance is secondary to the question of how did I get so off track in the first place. I have come to believe that with all of it's seemingly outrageous moments, painful moments and 'trauma drama' there were so many blessings along the way that are becoming more and more apparent to me now.

I am a walking miracle. I have learned much, loved much and have finally found the source of my creative energy. May You be blessed this Holiday Season with insight and joy, and may your Thanksgiving Prayer be that of Gratitude even for those things that sometimes feel 'wrong', may all your dreams soon manifest themselves to you and may you IN JOy Brightest Blessings. ~GypsyOwl

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